Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Saturday flew up to Raglan for a look and to check out Krippners Strip near Phironga also heres a pic of Taharoa Sands Strip on a Calm day. A Jodel Relative arrived and parked next to us whilst in Raglan.

Me Mate Grant on the way home to Stratford looks quite relaxed about it all.

We also ventured down to the Motorcycle racing in Wanganui Boxing days but didn't get any pics there.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

More Pic's

Some pic's of EDR around Mt Taranaki 8500 foot took 20 minutes to get up there at 65 knots.

Absolutely Magic.

Gained my Rating on the Jodel with Brett Emeny on Monday 22/12/2008 here he is flying the catalina (Is he a happy Camper or What) which I scored a ride in after doing the Jodel rating if ya get the Chance to fly in her DO IT.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Well the ELT issue has been sorted and her 100 hourly and ARA done.

Have been getting checked out by Brett Emney local Warbird and YAK driver amoung other things thats been a hoot.

Had a fly round the district for about 3 hours yesterday to give her a nice long run and get her warmed up burn any crap outa her as had been run up only with the odd fly. Done about the Same hours since I had her in the last couple days Whoo Hoo.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here are some pic's of the internals and that pesky ELT. The new ones Aerial comes out the end so that could be interesting.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Took a couple pic's of the internals of EDR for reference and to see what was in there. Really just a big Model Aircraft especially the Structure quite amazing when one thinks about it so simple but oh so Strong.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here's a pic of the panel in EDR. I think it is quite well set out and not to fussy.

I replaced the Stop watch Bill had as I had a talking Stop watch which I use in the Modeling I do. It counts down and every 15 minutes it tells you where it's at then does a count down in increments when it reaches a minute should be interesting to see how it works in practice.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I do beleive that is EDR leading the 727 there.

The quote I found with the Picture.....

Taken at RNZAF Ohakea, March 22nd, 1998 In the queue for departure at the end of the Open day. I thought this looked kind of funny lining up behind a couple of homebuilt Jodels

A couple more of Jodel D-11 ZK-EDR arriving at Stratford and yours Truly with the Keys. :0)

Only took 46 years to get to this point. Oh what a feeling............

Was out taking shots of her today alround with access panels off as want a record of what goes where and how it was etc about 200 photo's I think so could take a while.

 My Jodel ZK-EDR outside Gate 19 Wellington International Airport back in Christmas  2009.                                                  ...