Saturday, May 6, 2023

The sad news of the passing of one NZ,s greatest aviators 
I heard Yesterday what an absolute BUMMER.

BRETT gave me my rating in the Jodel EDR which I must say was an absolute Hoot. We did it at NZNP the usual stuff stalls, FLWOP, EFATO ETC. He said right ya passed now I will show ya what ya can really do in a Jodel and he did using the Grass 05/23 runway outside the Terminal we zipped Backwards and Forwards in both directions on one wheel then the other steep approaches etc. I would have loved to have been in the Terminal watching all this going on must have been interesting .......

So long Chap fair winds always.


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 My Jodel ZK-EDR outside Gate 19 Wellington International Airport back in Christmas  2009.                                                  ...