Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I suspect the only way the Jodel may survive into the future is if they are re-engined with more modern power plants. The Rotax  either 80 or 100hp versions being one or the Jabiru 80 Hp version both awesome engines if set up and looked after properly (Many are not). As the Jodels were designed originally for 65hp yes the D11 was so it comes down to prop selection really.

Those ole 0200's need to go other wise they will be withdrawn and slowly rot in the back of Hangars. They should also slip into the Microlite class 2 side of things as the modern motors are a lot lighter than the 0200 tractor motors ever were.

So come on get to it ...... :0)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well. I have plans coming to me from another poster here on Jodels of NZ, I plan to register it as a 600kg MTOW C2 microlight once built.

Sacrificing 20 Kg of the plans 620kg MTOW as designed (Sometimes reported as 616kg) to register as a microlight rather than GA is a reasonable trade.

 My Jodel ZK-EDR outside Gate 19 Wellington International Airport back in Christmas  2009.                                                  ...